Writing Intent 


The intent of our writing curriculum is for all children in our school to become writers who feel inspired to write creatively, coherently and with purpose. We aim to provide the stepping-stones in grammar that build progressively, so that the children we teach can adapt their writing appropriately for genre, developing their voice as a writer, and with an awareness of the reader. We value the importance of high quality speaking and listening, and our enriched curriculum provides a wealth of opportunities for children at our school to grow in confidence in speaking to a range of audiences, developing the skills to listen to others and agree and disagree well. We strive to immerse children with a spectrum of experiences, which enhance their cultural capital, whilst celebrating their individuality.

We are following the Lancashire TALK programme across all year groups at Worsthorne Primary School. 

This programme has focus on teaching English within carefully sequenced units of work including:
– vocabulary
– spoken language
– role play and drama
– reading – modelled and independent response outcomes
writing – modelled and independent outcomes



Early Years Writing 

Writing Genre Progression Yr1 – Yr6