Virtual Library now live!
Our intent is to enable children to become competent, independent users of computing technology whilst developing creativity, resilience and critical thinking skills to be ready for the wider world.
- The Code Show
- Drones Day
- Safer Internet Day
- Digital Literacy
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Online Safety Support For Parents
Celebrating how Britain entered the Computing age
Today, a computing roadshow has been in school, celebrating the home computing boom of the late 1970s, 80s and 90s.
Each class visited the hall for their session where they had hands on access to a timeline of home computers.
On Tuesday morning, Olivia and Ian from Networx 3 came into school to speak to Key Stage 2 about drones. As soon as the children saw the images on the screen they were hooked, and had their hands up eager to ask questions.
They watched a great presentation about the different drones, their uses and how they are used in different jobs.
They were then treated to a demonstration of the different drones and were amazed!
Ian said: “This was a great opportunity to dispel some of the myths around drones and fly the flag for drones instead. The kids were just great – so enthusiastic and full of questions. It was great fun showing off what each of our drones could do and sharing the benefits and opportunities that drones offer in our world today.”
Francis, age 10, said: “My favourite drone was the Elios 2. I liked it because it had LED lights and when it is in dark spaces it looks like daylight. I like that there are different drones for different jobs like exploring near water and one for carrying things. The one the police use is cool because it was the size of a hand.”
Ella, age eight, said: “I learnt that drones can be very loud and go into tunnels and places people can’t get to because it’s dangerous. My favourite moment was when we got to zoom in and see Worsthorne on the interactive board.”
The day even made in into the Burnley Express!
Safer Internet Day 2022 is on Tuesday 8th February and will be celebrated with the theme
‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.
Safer Internet Day inspires a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the celebration sees thousands of organisations get involved to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.
Here’s what each class got upto
Year 1
In year 1, we looked at Smartie the Penguin and talked about what to do in different situations e.g. pop ups, finding facts, people chatting, not giving out personal information. The children created some great posters containing information about what they had learnt.
Year 2
In year 2 we talked about how we used the Internet and we were surprised just how much we actually did!
We looked at lots of real-life scenarios and discussed how we would react. We talked about how important it is to talk to grown-ups we trust about anything we see that makes us feel scared or worried. A lot of our conversation related to recent incidents involving some recent conversations in class, so we steered the discussion towards using safe apps such as Google kids and you tube kids.
Year 3
In year 3, we talked through the PowerPoint set by Safer Internet Day and called the alien Derek. This was voted on by the children. We discussed favourite things to do online and the dangers of using personal info.
Year 4
In year 4, children discussed their favourite online games and apps. Children were able to talk about the positive and negatives aspects of their favourite game/app. In our session, the children had to help an alien who needed help online. The children were able to offer advice to the alien (who we named, Barry) when he received messages from ‘friends’ online. The children then discussed what they would do in the moment if they received/ saw something that they didn’t like.
Year 5
In year 5, we discussed what was said in assembly and created a list of dos and don’ts for when being on the internet. We then completed the quiz as a class discussing why different children selected different answers before discussing the correct answer and why it was correct. The children then had a go at creating a fortune teller that they took home to quiz their parents and siblings on how to stay safe online.
Year 6
In year 6, we continued our learning from the morning assembly. Children worked in pairs to complete a quiz. The quiz was linked to how they would respond to situations that would could occur online. At the end of the lesson, children completed in the moment reflections. They read scenarios and wrote down what they would and would not do in the moment. The children created booklets to give their own tips on how to be respectful online.
In Reception Class, the reviewed Early Years Statutory Framework for 2021 has seen a noted removal of the ‘technology’ strand in ‘Understanding of the World’. However, our EYFS staff know that computing and technology opportunities are important to develop children across the seven areas of the framework.
Currently the children in Reception Class at Worsthorne are accessing Computing skills (including play-based, no computer activities) by:
• Accessing Purple Mash Early Years programme (with support)
• Taking photographs with tablets
• Playing educational games on the interactive whiteboard
• Playing educational games on the IPad
• Using laptops for typing
• Using Beebots
• Watching video clips and listening to music
Our intent of Computing in the EYFS is to allow children to explore technology with and without adult support, to develop familiarity with the different equipment and vocabulary. Children will be introduced to new knowledge, skills and processes to help them transition into the Key Stage 1.
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 1 National Curriculum
Children should be able to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on
the internet or other online technologies
Year 2
This term, year 2 have been learning all about effective searching when using the internet. The children have enjoyed researching about dinosaurs.
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 National Curriculum
Children should be able to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact
Year 3
In Year 3’s online safety unit, children have been learning that some information held on websites may not be accurate or
true. They then created their own ‘spoof’ webpage mock-up. Have a look at an example of what they did.
Year 4
In year 4, children created information posters to help people stay safe online.
Year 5
In year 5, at the end of their online safety unit, children created their own comic strips.
Year 6
In year 6, children created games based around being safe online. If you crash into an image that could mean dangerous online, you will lose points. Scan the QR code and play the game.
Key Stage 1
- use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
Key Stage 2
- use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and
- create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.