Our Intent
As stated in the Programme of Study for Science, the aims of the national curriculum in science is to ensure that all pupils: develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

The intent for Science at Worsthorne Primary incorporates all of the above, with the aim for science to inspire, encourage, nurture children’s innate curiosity and enable them to develop a range of skills that are useful and relevant to their own lives. We value science as a subject for all. We believe inspiring science teaching arises from lessons that place scientific enquiry at the heart of our school’s science curriculum. Children who learn the processes and deeper thinking of investigating, exploring, questioning, and enquiring will develop a skill set that will enable them to thrive now and as a future generation.

Understanding of the World 


The Natural World ELG (Early Learning Goal)
Children at the expected level of development will:
– Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing
pictures of animals and plants;
– Know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them
and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has
been read in class;
– Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world
around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.

Inquisitive Minds – EYFS Science examples 

Investigating – The children made kites and wanted to see if they flew better if they ran quicker… 

Demonstrating-  The children were learning about fireworks and wanted to recreate the ‘pop’ and ‘bang’…

Practical-  Changing state- what happens when we mix ingredients together? Is it the same? What changes? 

Observation-  How does your garden grow? What can you see? What will happen if? 

Mad Science Whole School - 2023

We had a whole school assembly, delivered by Explosive Erica… 

STEM Club - 2023

A STEM club for EYFS/KS1 children 

If you were an Engineer Project 2023

If you were an engineer project – some entries 

Our Science Library

A dedicated area in school, where children can go and research any scientific concept that intrigues them… 

Science Week

The theme for this year was ‘GROWTH’. Each class has taken a different approach to this. Check out some of the fabulous learning that has taken place…

Year 6 have been looking at where food is grown and how many food miles are involved in the production of different burgers. Their challenge was to create a burger using locally sourced ingredients, and find food producers who use sustainable forms of energy.

Reception class have been busy planting seeds in their outdoor area and finding out what seeds need to grow and have had two visitors this week into their class. The children have been learning about how they grow. Alex, a midwife, brought her daughter Avery into school to talk to the children about babies and how they grow.

Mrs. Clews, also visited our Reception children to talk about how our teeth grow! The children were shown how to brush their teeth properly too.

Thank you so much Alex and Mrs. Clews. We loved having you in our school.

Year 2 have looked at human growth and how what we eat can affect this. Last week we had produced some pictograms showing our favourite fruit and vegetables so we talked about this. We looked at the stages of growth from baby to toddler to child to teenager to adult and discussed what we could do that we couldn’t previously.

Year 1 conducted an experiment to see if you were older, you were taller. We found out it was not always true! We made coca cola ‘grow’. We put mentos in coca cola, which reacted with the carbon dioxide bubbles and created even more bubbles which caused the liquid to expand and shoot out of the top of the bottle! We designed our own science posters with everything we know that grows.

KS1 Science Club!

Investigating water and how water moves. 

How many drops of water do you think you can fit on a coin before it spills? 

Does the size or material of the coin make a difference? 

Skittles investigation- We made a rainbow! 

Making our own lava lamps… 

Investigating shadows 

Magnetic forces- separating materials using magnets 

Changing state- jelly slime making 

Year 3 started off their science unit on ‘Forces and Magnets’ in a fun, hands on way! They investigated how toys moved by pushes and pulls. They used play doh, cogs, a pool table, Bop it!, lego and some magnets, which did some very strange things when they put them together!